Check this out below. You won’t be sorry…
Wow. On a visual level alone, Avatar looks to be something amazing—a true movie-going experience, something that we haven’t had in quite some time... [more thoughts after the jump]
I like that the Na’vi, those blue, cat-like creatures on the gorgeous planet of Pandora look like real things. Real, breathing creatures that seem to occupy space and interact believably with the human characters. And just look at those surroundings, with the forest beasts, flying dragon-things, the floating mountains, and the poppy, stoner-ific colors. For special-effects, this looks to be one for the books.
This is also our first real glimpse into the story. We saw 20 minutes of footage at Comic-Con—beautiful stuff, but we barely got a sense of what the rest of the movie will bring. This gives us a better idea. Sam Worthington is sent undercover (using his “avatar,” a special, psychically-connected being made form Na’vi and human DNA) to infiltrate the primitive lands, and help the “good guys” get what they want, in this case being rare natural resources. I think we know where this story will go—Worthington will have a change of heart, he’ll see the beauty of the uncorrupted, indigenous aliens, and fight back against that greedy human military. We’ve seen variations on this before, and, minus the totally original setting, I doubt this one will break new ground in terms of story beats.
Still, Cameron could deliver something worthwhile here. He’s never been the most original storyteller, but he’s a master of details—for good characters, the right emotional balance, actions sequences that actually resonate (this is the same guy that made Terminator 2 have a heart—he’s a real talent when he’s in his element). I’m hoping Avatar will compensate for familiarity with those Cameron trademarks. Impossible to tell now, but this 3 ½ minute trailer is one whopper of a preview. If it fails, it’ll be one of the most good-looking weak movies ever. If it reaches Lord of the Rings-like epic brilliance? Well, consider us lucky viewers then.
What do you guys think? Does this make you want to see Avatar (which comes out in IMAX 3D glory December 18th) any more or less?
Trailer courtesy of Yahoo! Movies.
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