Thursday, December 24, 2009

R.I.P.: Brittany Muprhy (1977 - 2009)

- Posted by Rusty

This is a weird one to write. I liked Brittany Murphy, I honestly did. Her playful delivery, her non-obvious good looks, her quirky way with any scene—without a doubt, she was an actress that was very easy to like... [more after the jump]

But I think we never truly got to know her. Yes, I know, that sounds ridiculous from the outset—we never really know any of the actors, directors, or screen legends we admire, unless we happen to hang out with them off-screen, of course. Yet there’s always a relationship between a performer and an audience—a trust, an undeniable liking that builds over many movies. There’s a reason the great Paul Newman has touched so many viewers, while I (and I’m positive many others) still worship Audrey Hepburn in all her movie-goddess glory.

With Brittany Murphy, I felt like we were just starting to get to know her. She made bad movies, sure, but her good ones stuck. She was a delight in Clueless (still my favorite of her roles--Tai trying to use big words like "sporadically" to flirt with Paul Rudd's Josh still kills me!), showed genuine dramatic chops in Sidewalks of New York (a lovely film, if you ever happen to see it) and Girl, Interrupted, and her squeaky, unbearably cute Luanne on King of the Hill was one of that show’s secret weapons. She had the talent, and I think she was due for very good things in her future. My hero, Roger Ebert, once compared her to Lucille Ball, and I see that—Ball was an actress that brought joy to countless people, and I think Murphy was on track to do that as well.

It’s a tragedy that she died so young. And it’s a shame that we didn’t get to know her better, to see what other charming tricks she had up her sleeve. But, at the very least, her Tai in Clueless will always make me smile, an effect I'm sure she'll have on many, many others.

My condolences to her family, friends, and loved ones.

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