- Posted by Rusty
How amazing is that trailer? Love that music, those dark, demented, eerily cool visuals, that almost so-real-you-could-touch-it look to the world. And it just looks really interesting. It hit me while I was watching this that, minus the post-apocalyptic set-up (and that great tag line: “9 Will Save Us”), we still don’t know much of the story. And that’s just the way it should be—I hate it when trailers give away the entire movie—this one just gives us a good, entertaining taste, but leaves the rest in mystery. How is 9 going to save us? And, wait, save us from what? Are any humans still alive in this future? Ah, I can’t wait to find out! This opens next week (on 9-9-09—how perfect is that?), and it’s got some pretty mighty producing muscle behind it: this is Shane Acker’s directing debut, but it’s brought to us by Tim Burton (an always favorite of mine…and the man who knows how to make a great trailer) and the crazy-visual Russian maestro, Timur Bekmambetov (“Wanted,” “Night Watch”—yay for my people!). By the way, I haven’t checked this out yet, but this movie’s based on Shane Acker’s Oscar-nominated animated short of the same name—I hear nothing but amazing things about it, so check it out here if you’re interested.
“The Informant!”
I knew a bit about this movie going in, but I didn’t expect anything this funny and entertaining. This is the new Steven Sodebergh movie (the man behind “Ocean’s 11-13,” “Erin Brockovich,” “Traffic,” and “Out of Sight”), and apparently it’s all based on a true story. Matt Damon looks like he’s having a blast playing a corporate doofus out to expose his company (he’s "Agent 0014" because “he’s twice as smart as 007”), and the whole thing just looks like a lot of clever fun. Plus, a bonus for “Chuck” fans: Scott Bakula plays one of the agents working with Damon…and the sequence with him helping Damon wear a wire is priceless! Catch it in theaters on September 18th.
What do you guys think of these trailers? Do they make you want to see these movies?
Trailers courtesy of TrailerAddict [end of post].
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