Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Daily Munchies: "Funny People"

Something new we're going to introduce is "The Daily Munchies." It's not a full on review or commentary, but more of a blurb, a random thought to be expanded on, or a mini-blog post, if you will.

So without further adieu...

I had the opportunity to check out the newest creation from the "Apatow House" this weekend: Funny People.

And I know that it's been getting a lot of mixed reviews, so allow me to just add to the confusion. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Like all of Apatow's films, it was a great combo of Humor and genuine Humanity. It wasn't just about raunch and slapstick comedy, but more about capturing the visceral human emotions behind the characters.

So here's the short version:
- It was great seeing Adam Sandler not being "Adam Sandler."
- My brother said it best: The film makes you feel introspective about how to treat friends and family.
- "Funny People" is the perfect title because it encapsulates the movie as a whole. It's funny and it's about people. Period.

So go check it out for yourselves and make your own opinions. But as far as I'm concerned, I recommend Funny People with no reservations.


Posted by Ace.

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