Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Daily Munchies: "Wolverine 2" is a Go...and with a Much Better Writer!

- Posted by Rusty

This summer's "Wolverine" movie was, uh, to put it as nicely as possible, not quite good. For what it was worth, minus the pretty terrible, underdeveloped script, I had a good time watching it, mainly because Liev Schriber running on all fours like a dog was one of the funniest moments of the summer. Plus, Gambit's my favorite X-Man, so if "Wolverine's" legacy is the introduction of Taylor Kitsch as the Cajun card-thrower, I could live with that.

Still, Wolverine is a great character...and he deserves a much better movie. Hugh Jackman owns this role, and despite the film around him, he was consistently good in "Wolverine." Jackman also has a ton of good will behind him, and he could do wonders for the character with solid material to back him up (remember "X2"?). So, if he wants to strap on the adamantium claws again, I'll be right there on opening day.

Which is good news, since "Wolverine 2" is now officially a go, and 20th Century Fox brought in Christopher McQuarrie to write the new draft (check out The Hollywood Reporter for the whole story) - this version will feature Frank Miller's famous story arc of Wolverine's time in Japan. McQuarrie is a genuinely talented writer ("The Usual Suspects," the unofficial first draft of "X-Men", "Valkyrie"), and also best buds with director Bryan Singer, who, to this day, gave us the best showcases for Wolverine (and the rest of the X-Men). Hmm...with Singer temporarily available, you think he might jump back onto the mutant bandwagon? Either way, some good news on the "Wolverine" front - let's keep it coming.

Image courtesy of 20th Century Fox.

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