Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Daily Munchies: "Post-Grad"

- Posted by Rusty

It’s weird that this movie isn’t getting more attention. Check out the trailer above - it actually comes out tomorrow opposite Tarantino’s mad WWII badass-Jews epic, “Inglourious Basterds”. It looks like a low-key, funny little film…with a topic that I (and I’m guessing quite a few recent grads) can very much relate to (feeling a bit lost after college, trying to find a decent job with your degree…and failing — you know, all that great stuff). And it’s got Alexis Bledel in her first leading role in a movie; I loved her in “Gilmore Girls,” and she specializes in giving us thoughtful, appealing heroines. Plus, look at that supporting cast: Michael Keaton (so great to see him back on the screen!), Jane Lynch (from “Role Models” and “The 40-Year-Old Virgin”), Rodrigo Santoro (Carl from “Love Actually” and the ill-fated Paulo from “LOST”), and the always-scene-stealing J.K. Simmons (J. Jonah Jameson from the “Spider-Man” movies, as well as the dad in “Juno” and “I Love You, Man”). It might get completely slaughtered this weekend, but if it’s as good as the trailer suggests, it should have a nice, long life on DVD. I’ll try to catch it this weekend if I have the chance…check it out too if you’re interested. [end of post]

1 comment:

  1. Rusty, you liked Gilmore Girls?! Few guys will admit that, that is cool. If you like Jane Lynch, check her out in Party Down, it is the funniest show and she is great in it.

    Rachel E.



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