Friday, August 7, 2009

The Daily Munchies: "Moon"

Posted Luke

Finally a science fiction movie that does not have stupid robots and beautiful girls running around with the sole and only purpose is getting butts in the sites.

“Moon” is directed by Duncan Jones which has been over shadowed by his father David Bowie – until now. Duncan Jones creating a will passed, creative, thought provoking and engaging debut effort premiered at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival. The star of the film is the superb Sam Rockwell, playing the character Sam Bell. He works for Lunar Industries, a giant fuel company that provides power for much of the earth. Sam Bell is signed for a three year contract where he is a sole employee located on of course on our Moon. His primary job responsibility is to harvest helium-3 to send back to Earth for vast amounts of energy. His only “friend” on the Moon is intelligent robot voiced by Kevin Spacey named Gerty. When Sam Bell meets another character looking and having the name Sam Bell, begins the drama as the pass picks up quickly. Not to give any clues, however the twist and turns the film brings upon different moral troubles involving conspiracy, cloning and life itself.

For anyone, where you enjoy or dislike science fiction, “Moon” is an extremely well made film, with great camera use to bringing back miniature landscape of the “Moon” with only a five million dollar budget looking like Peter Jackson’s WETA had a hand in it. However, the film is made great by the spectacular endeavor turned in by Sam Rockwell. His performance might be the best of his career, which includes fine performances such as fellow indie darling 2008 “Choke”. Some people have claimed it is slow and nothing happened. Those are the people that think Michael Bay is an elite filmmaker. Give this film a chance; you will be happy you did.

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